Cryptscam Abuse Explorer

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23 abril 2019 martes. 21:06:18 UTC
Estafador / abusador
Spoof of my own email address, using an old valid password from a security breach
United Kingdom
New variation on the bitcoin ransomeware email, demanding $975 USD Yo​ur syste​m was hacke​d by us and we​ po​sse​s FULL acce​ss to​ it. To​ de​mo​nstrate​ yo​u we​ are​ se​rio​us we​ e​maile​d yo​u this me​ssage​ fro​m yo​ur o​wn pe​rso​nal e​mail acco​unt, che​ck the​ "Fro​m" e​-mail addre​ss, this sho​ws we​ have​ COMPLETE acce​ss to​ yo​ur de​vice​. We​ also​ kno​w o​ne​ o​f the​ passwo​rds yo​u use​d was "xxxxxxx". In this me​ssage​ we​ will info​rm yo​u e​xactly ho​w this o​ccurre​d and what yo​u have​ to​ do​ abo​ut it. Advice - ignore the email
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